We had 9 individuals competing in CODSChO (There were a group of people who signed up for accommodations, but ultimately were unable to take the exam.) The competition was held on August 30th, 2020 as a mock examination of the IChO, for those who did not make the USA IChO team. This competition was first proposed by Alec "apc1234567" Zhu and was written by Alec Zhu and Anugrah "llamachemist" Chemeparathy. Kwanwoo "Fizzest" Park was involved in coordinating and proctoring the competition.



To protect our competitor's identity, we will not reveal their Discord IDs.

USA-14Yitian Zhu
USA-26Bill Zhao
USA-41William Wu
USA-47Chris Tong
USA-62Nick Ouyang
USA-65Gideon Tzafriri
USA-71Yash Lal
USA-74Phoenix Wu
USA-80Young Zhao


1st PlaceUSA-8034.93
2nd PlaceUSA-4125.35
3rd PlaceUSA-4724.01
4th PlaceUSA-1423.97
5th PlaceUSA-7422.48

As a reference, Alex Li (1st Place in IChO '20) took this exam and got a score of 67.97.

Score Distribution for Individual Round

Table 1: Score vs. Place
